You know how every few years or so you get these crazy ideas of what to do with your life that is usually a dramatic departure of what you are currently doing? Usually these ideas involve a move, lots of money, weeks of arguing with your wife/husband, and sleepless nights of inner dialogue where you are convinced that the new course of action is the correct one and it is God’s will that you go from being a teacher to being a SyFy Original Movie director.
When A Science Experiment Goes Wrong….Fantastic Things Happen
Well, this is nothing like that.
I do not want to make a career change (I absolutely love what I do and literally cannot imagine having a “real” job ever again). I do not want to move (well, that is debatable). I do not want to spend lots of money (I would prefer to just break even thank you). I really, really do not want to spend weeks arguing with my wife (even though I would win every single time; don’t worry, she won’t get mad, she has already stopped reading this). But most of all, I really want to sleep at night. So, this change is not really a change, more of an addition that I felt would be productive for my own spiritual growth….and because I start a new blog/online venture every 3 years or so, and it’s about that time.
So, here is my idea (we will see how long it holds my attention):
I think Xanga held it the longest at about 2 years…memories:
I have what some people consider to be a unique perspective on certain ideas. I enjoy going against the grain and playing devil’s advocate just for fun (it’s an inherited trait….and I think I am setting a record for number of parenthesis in a blog). I also feel that it is time that I started stretching myself spiritually and exploring topics that aren’t usually explored.
I want to write about topics that might be controversial, might be extremely obvious but in an unobvious way, and just might blow your mind with the intelligent thought processes you see. I want to discuss spiritual topics from a completely different perspective that I sometimes see mentioned, but never explained. This whole idea came to me while I was not listening during church (ironic) and because I hear Christians spouting off these weird hypothesis but never explaining them or investigating them to see if they are indeed true or if they are just certifiably insane
(most will be the latter).
I am not a theologian, like Jeff. I am not as grammatically correct and intelligent as Jared. I am definitely not as eloquent and funny as Kathy. I am me and that is all I have to work with. I have some ideas that you may not have thought of, and some ideas that may end up completely wrong (but good luck trying to prove it). I just feel like this will help my relationship with God as it will force me to study His Word and seek the actual truth; and if it encourages dialogue and discussion to help people see the proper way to think, so be it.
So, with this extremely long-winded introductory post, here are some of the future topics that I will be discussing. I hope to do maybe one a week, but I am going to be researching and studying on all the topics I post, considering that is the entire point of doing this for me…getting into God’s Word to see what it really says, not what some old white dude says it says.
The coming topics are:
Jesus Hates Fat People
Obama is the Antichrist
God is a Socialist
VISA Really is the Mark of the Beast
Joel Osteen is A God
The Gieco Gecko is Biblically Accurate
More topics will come as I think of them, but those are the ones that popped into my head during the service tonight. Yep, I am starting my venture into spirituality by ignoring preaching. I can think of no better way to start.
I'm looking forward to this. Hopefully you'll stick with it..unlike my blogs that fall victim to inactivity.
ReplyDeleteSounds interesting. Can you do "The Geico Gecko is Biblically Accurate" first? I have no idea what that means.
ReplyDelete"but good luck trying to prove it". that was my favorite part.
ReplyDeletemy mind is ready to be blown.
Dude I am totally on board sorry it took so long to read it.